Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Sony and Microsoft Cooperate to Make Console Games

For you fans of the game and hope that present the latest gaming consoles this year, seem to have to be patient first.

The next-generation Xbox is often touted the Xbox 720 will not be there in the near future. marketing director at Microsoft France, Cedrick Delmax recently revealed that there will be no new version of the Xbox 360 which launched this year as reported from (30 / 1).

Quarter three money with Microsoft, game consoles made by Sony was also not going to release the latest generation of the PlayStation this year. "Sony will not release the next generation PS3 this year," said CEO of Sony France, Phillippe Cardon.

One reason is they need time to develop a console game. And one factor is the economic storm that swept Europe at this time makes the game developers have to postpone the first to think of the concept of console gaming is a long term basis.

Simple indication is declining popularity of the PlayStation Vita when it launched earlier this year. Even in his own home country, Japan. But if you're a fan of games seem to be patient, the presence of gaming consoles from Microsoft and Sony this.

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