You smoke? How many cigarettes bungkuskah you spend in a day? Two, three or five? Let us count, what is the cost of each cigarette and kebulkan you burn every day.
If only, the price of a pack of cigarettes around USD 10 thousand. Perhaps, this is the lowest estimate for the current price of a pack of cigarettes could reach Rp 13 thousand. If you spend about two packs of cigarettes every day, this means you spend about USD 20 thousand for your favorite one.

If only, the price of a pack of cigarettes around USD 10 thousand. Perhaps, this is the lowest estimate for the current price of a pack of cigarettes could reach Rp 13 thousand. If you spend about two packs of cigarettes every day, this means you spend about USD 20 thousand for your favorite one.

Once again, if only, you decided to quit smoking now, let's calculate how much profit you get from this wise decision?
In one day alone, you can save about Rp 20 thousand. Multiply this number in a month, then you can get a 'profit' of about USD 750 thousand.
Again, if only, you intend to enter a fund of Rp 750 thousand were in the range of investment products, call it an investment in mutual fund shares sharia, get ready just shocked.
With an estimated yield of about 18 percent that you plant for 10 years, you should be proud of because it can get, ahem, about USD 240 million. Imagine, if you managed to save the numbers were larger than estimated above.
So, who says getting hundreds of millions only dream in broad daylight? His commitment, just one: quit smoking.
In one day alone, you can save about Rp 20 thousand. Multiply this number in a month, then you can get a 'profit' of about USD 750 thousand.
Again, if only, you intend to enter a fund of Rp 750 thousand were in the range of investment products, call it an investment in mutual fund shares sharia, get ready just shocked.
With an estimated yield of about 18 percent that you plant for 10 years, you should be proud of because it can get, ahem, about USD 240 million. Imagine, if you managed to save the numbers were larger than estimated above.
So, who says getting hundreds of millions only dream in broad daylight? His commitment, just one: quit smoking.